ReadWrite Hiragana is an excellent program which teaches us how to read and write Hiragana, the first Japanese script learned by the students in Japan.
This application is divided into fourteen lessons and each lesson displays five parts, each of which dealing with one of the following learning aspects: Letters, Writing, Reading, Listening, and Multichoice. We are allowed to go randomly throughout the various learning categories. From the Letters option, we can view how a given letter is written, both in standard and cursive mode, and how is pronounced compared to an English word. We can listen to the native speaker pronouncing the specified letter on its own, and combined with other letter in initial, medium, and final position, plus their meaning, if any. It is also possible to select any letter from the Hiragana alphabet displayed on the right. We are shown graphically how the letter is written, and there is always the possibility to practice it afterwards. From the Reading option, we can practice reading a letter, and record/compare our pronunciation. Listening option will display the whole alphabet, then, after hearing a sound we must select the right letter. There are plenty of exercises to choose from. We can get a good approach at what this program has to offer by evaluating the trial version, which includes the first three lessons for free.